
  • 1 pound steak, cut into bite sized pieces
  • 1/2 TBS salt
  • 1/2 TBS pepper
  • 3 TBS paprika
  • 1 TBS canola oil
  • 3 TBS butter
  • 4 garlic cloves, minced
  • 2 TBS parsley, minced
  • 2 TBS rosemary


  1. Combine steak bikes, salt, pepper, and paprika in medium bowl. Mix well.
  2. Heat oil in pan over medium-high heat. Add steak to pan and cook until browned on each side. Drain oil.
  3. Add butter, garlic, and herbs to pan and reduce heat to medium-low. Cook until desired doneness.
  4. Serve over mashed potatoes or on the side of your favorite vegetables.

*Pick-up tasty steak from Liberty Hall Plantation. Visit for pricing or to learn more.