Farm Bureau




Virginia Farm Bureau Young Farmers

Young Farmers are people just like you who have an interest in agriculture and who want to make a difference in Virginia’s largest industry and their local communities. Leadership skills are built through personal and professional development opportunities in an atmosphere that is fun and friendly. Young people, ages 18 to 35, from many backgrounds make up this fast-growing segment of Farm Bureau. Our YF members farm on a full or part-time basis, work in the agriculture industry or just want to become more involved in agriculture. Join today, and make a difference in tomorrow’s agriculture.

Virginia Farm Bureau Women’s Leader Program

The Farm Bureau Women’s Leadership Program embraces the agriculture industry by: strengthening the knowledge of agriculture in local communities through education; setting examples of community stewardship with outreach projects; and advocating for Farm Bureau policies.

Virginia Farm Bureau Ag Development & Innovation

Commodity Advisory Committees

Agriculture in Virginia is an increasingly diverse industry, with dynamic changes occurring locally, regionally, statewide, nationally and internationally. Virginia farmers need a voice and a forum to surface issues that impact their ability to compete in the fast-changing world of production agriculture. Our advisory committees serve as the eyes, ears and voice of our producer membership.

Support Virginia Agriculture

If you are a Farmer, or just interested in supporting Virginia agriculture, join now and have your voice be heard.

Choose Culpeper Farms is an effort from Culpeper County’s Department of Economic Development to highlight Culpeper farms and agricultural operations and their products.

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